Monday, November 25, 2013




 Bilbo is the most important and most likable character. Even as the other characters become corrupted by greed, Bilbo keeps his common sense, courage, and need to please.
"They are a little people, about half our height, and smaller then the bearded dwarves. Hobbits have no beards. There is little or no magic about them, except the ordinary everyday sort which helps them to disappear quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like you and me come blundering along, making a noise like elephants which they can hear a mile off." (The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, pg 2)
 A wise  wizard who seems know more than he reveals. Gandalf has  magic and tends to show up at just the when he is needed most

Thorin Oakenshield  -  
Thorin is a proud warrior who can be stubborn sometimes. Although his greed and inability to come up with successful plans make him an unappealing character, his strength and honor redeems him. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful use of pictures and background to support your analysis.
