Monday, November 25, 2013

Structure and Point of View

 The narrator is anonymous, he tends to speak in a comic voice with  asides and humorous descriptions of the characters.
"And Bilbo? He could not get into any tree, and was scuttling about from trunk to trunk, like a rabbit that has lost his hole and has a dog after it." (The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien, pg 100)
Point Of View
 · The novel is narrated in the third person, mostly from Bilbo’s point of view. The narrator not only relates Bilbo’s thoughts and feelings but also comments on them.
"Up slope and down dale they plodded. It grew very hot. Sometimes they rested under the trees, and then Bilbo felt so hungry that he would have eaten acorns, if any had been ripe enough yet to have fallen to the ground" (The Hobbit, J.R.R Tolkien, pg 177)

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